
“Futureproof” is an immersive installation that uses the backpack as a symbol of childhood to set the stage for conversations about protecting that which we hold dear. The installation consists of relief prints on translucent tissue paper suspended in space along with folded paper sculptures made from intaglio printed tissue paper. Among the prints and paper sculptures, real backpacks that have been worn by real children and antique wall hooks with name plates filled by audience-participants complete the installation.

The project took root as my child packed her bag for school after the long COVID hiatus. She packed a number of talismans amidst required school supplies, and I saw how these objects lent her peace and protection while giving shape to the possibilities of a world beyond the comforting confines of home.

In response, I began printing backpack reliefs on translucent paper. These fragile symbols of childhood and all that needs our protection in this world are also symbols of the power of our gestures to invoke that which we desire.

My goal is that this installation, once realized, will be a catalyst for conversations about the myriad threats, from gun violence to climate change, that loom for children today and can inspire visitors to reflect on their connections to these threats and take action to put lasting protections in place.